25 Jul 2011

The Birds Burn And The Fireflies Sing

Three Tone Top - Marks & Spencer
Shorts - Miss Selfridge
Leggings - H&M
Bracelet - New Look
Necklace - DIY

- Hey guys! Today I'm showing you another one of my new pieces of clothing, the top! I saw this top come into stock at work and I really liked the colours, teal brown and black. I thought it was nice and on trend with all these two tone tops coming in. Unfortunately size 8's are pretty difficult to come buy in M&S and the 10 was just too big but Mum came across it once and bought it for me. It's a nice basic top but it adds a bit of colour :) It's £18 though so thank God for employee discount! You may remember me showing you these shorts when I first bought them. Even though they're a struggle to do up they're quite comfy around the tummy area but they're a bit tight everywhere else .... regardless, I will still wear them. The bracelet was a gift and I made the necklace today! Aaages ago I mentioned I wanted to get into jewellery making and about a month ago I bought a little kit to make this necklace, as a little taster type thing. I must say it was really frustrating because everything is really fiddly but I'm pleased with the result. It's something you don't find in the shops so no one else will have one. I will probably try to make more things in the future, but not excessively.

- Just a heads up that this week is pretty busy. Tomorrow I have my last bit of the root canal (I hope!) then I'm working in the evening, Wednesday I'm working all day so my Wednesday Waffling will be quite late and Thursday I'm going to Lakeside for the day! I'll hopefully be able to take another outfit on Friday, but I'm just letting you know that I won't have much time to put anything too interesting together. Sorry! :( But yay for earning money then spending it all! : D


  1. The three tone top looks so good :) good luck with the root canal! I hope it's not too painful for you! I also hope working isn't too painful. I have a friend that works at M&S in the refunds department in Kingston, and she absolutely despises it... Decent pay though!

  2. Uhooi,,
    Waw,,, This necklace is very nice and beautiful,,,


  3. great look! nice blog :)



Thanks guys! :)