16 Jul 2011

Another Thing I Can't Stop Doing

Shorts - Miss Selfridge
Chunky Blue/White/Brown Necklace - Dorthy Perkins
Large Beige Stone Necklace - Dorthy Perkins
Small Bird Claw Necklaces - Miss Selfridge

- Hey guys! The sales started just before I went on holiday so when I go back I was pretty desperate to have a really good nose through all the shops in town. I went on Thursday with my Mum after going to the dentist for the first part of my root canal (don't worry, the dentist doesn't bother me in the slightest. I didn't even feel any of the injections! I have no fear! Lol). We always do that after the dentist. 
I'd spotted the green shorts shorts briefly in Miss Selfridge when I was in town on Monday but for some reason didn't try them on. They're even a size 8 and it's so very rare to find nice clothes in size 8 in sales this late. I was especially surprised that they were in the sale because Miss Selfridge has the exact same style of shorts in dark blue denim and tan, and I think some other colours at full price (£30) so for £15 I was pretty excited to be able to get them. They were a little bit tight round the tummy, but Mum said denim gives so I got them. I wore them today that's why they have creases. 
The two bird claw necklaces where a real bargin. I remember when the turquoise one came out at the beginning of the year and I really really liked it but didn't buy it. It then disappeared and reappeared a few months later still at full price but yesterday I saw it had gone in the sale and was reduced to £1!! I couldn't resist, and I got a white one for good measure also at £1.
The last two necklaces, both from Dorthy Perkins, where quite cheap buys. The white/blue/brown one was £3 and the other was £2. I got the white/blue/brown one as something both my Mum and I could wear and I liked the colours. The beige stone one was something different for cheap and I quite liked it so had to buy it.

- It's crazy how jewellery is my thing. I swear I always seem to buy some whenever I go into town, especially now that the sales are on. Seriously guys, if you love your jewellery you should go to all the shops where it's usually expensive. Also, remember that Topshop and Miss Slefridge (and sometimes Dorthy Perkins) sometimes have the same jewellery. The bird claw necklaces were £1 at Miss Selfridge, but £3.50 at Topshop so check out everywhere. Also, if there are any types of outlets that aren't in the town centre, check them out too. Where I live there is something called Chelmer Village Retail Park and it's about a 20 min walk from town. There's an Outfit there (which is Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Dorthy Perkins, Wallis and Burton all under one roof) and there is constantly a sale going on. Because it's out of town they don't move stock as fast and every time I go I never fail to find a bargin. So know your area and shop around a bit before you buy and you could save some money!


  1. Really cute jewelry.
    Good job with finding so much nice stuff in the sales. I can never find anything.

  2. Wow, love those shorts! And that big chunky necklace too.
    Could you write the price too? :)

  3. Oh! I see it now, thanks anyway :)

  4. I love the claw necklace, i may to have a little look in Miss Selfridge tomorrow! :)



Thanks guys! :)