28 Jul 2011

Wednesday Waffling 11

- Hey guys! So this is me having just got back from work. I'm pretty tired! But oh well, I'm thinking of the money :) When I went on my laptop I was thrilled to find that a recent interview I did had been featured on a blog! Jade was lovely enough to ask me a few questions and put them up for people to see. It was quite fun and I'm very grateful to her. She's been doing a few interviews with people on LookBook, so if your interested I would suggest checking her blog out!
Actually, after doing the interview, it made me think about whether I would like to interview people too. What do you guys think?

- Some of my older readers would remember that last year I was suffering from some mysterious skin problems (very, very wrongly diagnosed as ring worm). I still don't have any answers about this problem, and in reality I need to get referred to a dermatologist because the two obvious answers - eczema and ringworm - aren't what I've got. However, in a bid to solve my problems, Mum came home today with a pot of honey for me to put on my legs. So I'm now sat here in my room with honey on my legs haha! And if it actually works I don't know what I'll do. Laugh for days!

- I got my certificate through the post today with my final grades from my Art and Design course. Some of you may remember that I was very upset that I thought I would be getting a MMP after working everything out. I actually thought that I would probably get a PPP knowing my luck, but somehow I've managed to get a MMD! This seriously is a mystery, I don't understand it, but I've magically gained a whole load of merits that I thought were passes. I'm not complaining though, in fact I'm over the moon! But it's weird haha.


  1. well done on the course :) xx

  2. Ooh, honey as a skin treatment? Let's hope it works!

    x Michelle | thefeatherden.net

  3. Congrats on the course! It'll be interesting if the honey works :)

  4. I've nomintaed you for a lovely blogger award, come and check it out if you want :) x


Thanks guys! :)