6 Feb 2012

Jeffrey Campbell Litas

Hey guys! So as most of you will know, a while back I posted asking your opinion on getting a real or fake pair of Jeffrey Campbell Litas. In the end I bought a real pair! I was pretty close to buying a fake pair from Linzi but they didn't have my size in faux leather in stock. That was what tipped it really.

So far, I've only worn them twice. Once for a quick trip to town and once on a night out. I do need to wear them more before I can properly comment on them, but I'll give my first impressions now.

Firstly I must say, fakes cannot compare. One of the biggest reasons I love these shoes is that the platform is MASSIVE. I have yet to see a fake that actually has a platform the same size. I compared the real ones to the fake Linzi shoes, the there was a very big difference. As a big platform is VITAL for me (please remember the blog name), nothing could beat the real shoes. On my measurements, the heel is 4.7inches and the platform is 2.4inches making the actual heel height 2.3inches. Now even the likes of me can manage that one!
They are very comfy to walk in and aren't heavy at all. They look pretty clunky but they don't feel it. Although the soles of the shoes are smooth, they actually grip rather well! I can feel the grip in the heel when I walk. My feet felt fine after my short trip to town, but were killing at the end of my night out. This was however 7 hours on my feet so maybe that makes up for it? Need to test them more.

I think there are 2 main downsides to these shoes.
1. They don't have a zip up the side. Lace ups are all very well and good, but they are a pain when putting them on and taking them off! A zip would be way more convenient. That and a zip would give extra support to the ankle which would prevent them giving out as your walking (I've found this in other lace up/zip combo heels I've had).
2. The wooden heel. It's a lovely touch, but oh so easily damaged! I've worn them twice and already there's a few chips into the heels which can't really be solved. Personally I thought they would be more durable, but apparently not. I mean, I didn't fall over once on my night out - nothing happened that would have caused major damage. I think fake wood would have been a better option!

I would list the price as a downside, but I can't really.
One thing I want to comment on that doesn't involve the shoes is the box. I'd seen photos of the JC boxes and was quite excited to get one, but when I actually got it it was in horrible condition! One side of the lid has come away, two sides of the box have fallen in and it's just generally horrible to look at. I was shocked. I bought the shoes from Office and I would have expected them to have been kept in much better condition! So boo to Office on that front. Plus I really disagree with their 'no refunds unless it's faulty' policy. I get that it's to stop people buying stuff, wearing it once then bringing it back, but it's the same problem for clothes shops and they don't have that rule! I generally don't like buying from places with such policies, but had to make an exception this one time. It's probably one reason why these are my only pair of shoes bought from Office!

All in all, I'm loving having these shoes, but I need to wear them more. They have ups and downs, but I'm glad I bought them :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh they are gorgeous :) The platformm makes them surprisingly comfortable doesnt it!
    Also had the same problem with my other JCs from Office, an awful condition to send the box in.

    1. I was really surprised that Office would let such awful boxes go out! At least I'm not the only one though. Regardless, I'm glad I got them! x

  3. That sucks about the box! I was so excited when my JC box came and it was so pretty :( plus I ordered it from America, so that's a bit silly from Office! I have the dark wooden heel so the damage I've done from countless drunken antics haven't shown up too much :) still, I think they're worth it! Mainly because of the comfort!

    1. I know I just couldn't believe it! Would have expected them to take more care. Might order from America next time. I'm hoping they don't get too damaged, but they'll certainly get a lot of wear! So comfy :')

  4. They look gorgeous Emma! I bought some fake ones yesterday so I can't wait to try them out. Although the real ones look so much better haha! Will let you know what mine are like if you want? (Could build a collection!)
    Ashleigh x

    1. Yes please let me know what yours are like! I'm interested to compare :D x

  5. I'm very happy to see you got the real lita's. Sadly I can't afford them :( But they're gorgeous.


Thanks guys! :)