20 Oct 2011

Wednesday Waffling 20

Hey guys!  Short post today just to update you on my schedule for the next week. Tomorrow I'm heading to Westfields to do a bit of shopping with one of my besties (srsly) then heading back to her halls for the night. Coming back Friday to go straight to work. Saturday I'm about, then Sunday I head down to Brighton to stay with another friend at uni until the middle of next week, then come home to go party with my work mates, so posting might be tough. Just a heads up.
I received the October Glossy Box the other day and can't wait to use the products! I'll do a post on that when I've got something to say about them all.

By the way I'm holding to bottle of energy drink. Currently running on about 3 hours of sleep. I should rest up because I won't get the chance to get it back until after London, but I want to watch Gok :(

1 comment:

  1. Pinkberryyyy, yummy!
    What do you think about the Glossy Box so far? I heard a lot about it, good and bad, and can't really understand the concept though. xx


Thanks guys! :)