18 Aug 2011

Toastie Tootsies

All socks are in 3 for £8 deal at Topshop

 All socks - Topshop sale

- Heys guys! I was meant to be going out tonight but it failed so thought I'd bring you a quick blog post :) Recently I've found myself lusting after quirky socks. I usually buy those packs from Primark because you get a nice amount for cheap, but after a while they get really stiff and difficult to get on. I remembered the last time I went to Lakeside, Topshop's socks were in the sale for £1 each and they're always pretty cool so when I went back I got these 3 pairs. The clouds are my favourites! Later I went on to Topshop.com to look at all their other crazy socks and the 8 above are just a few in their 3 for £8 deal. Look at the panda's!! And The giraffe! I can't believe how awesome they are! I might need to go get some because they're just so awesome.
Do you guys like to get patterned socks or plain ones? I have black ones for wearing with my leggings and plain black trainer socks but all the rest are patterned.

- So yeah I was going to do an outfit post today but I was at the gym all morning and it's been raining since I got home meaning it got really dark and the lighting was poo. Maybe I'll have more luck tomorrow? If I get the chance to post it will be the last until the weekend is over because I'm going to V Festival in Chelmsford! Wooooo! Give me a shout if your going too, I'm there all weekend! : D


  1. lovely blog. i love socks :)


  2. Socks are an underestimated fashion item lol.

  3. oh wow! so cute! I do really like your blog !

  4. My sock drawer is over flowing otherwise I'd have my hands on those giraffe ones!


Thanks guys! :)