22 Jun 2011

Wednesday Waffling 8

- Hey guys! Look at me being all clever and pointing at something that isn't actually right behind me. Oooooo. Yeah I didn't know what to photograph. I don't like doing things like outfit posts or shopping posts for Wednesday Waffling. I'd rather keep them separate.

- On the subject of outfit and shopping posts, I have one outfit lined up to show you, and remember all the stuff I've bought and been given since my birthday? Well I've photographed about 85% of it. I had it in my head that I had to show you it all in order of when I got it, and in a way that held me back from photographing it all because I kept getting more and more things. So now I'm just going to do it all in a random order. So I've got at least three posts lined up for you :) Plus I'm going to town tomorrow so maybe there will be more......
I thought about doing a video, but then I decided against it. I kind of felt like it was cheating, don't know why.

- I've got some good news! Today, all my college stuff has finished! I got my grades for the final few units. I did pretty shit, and I wanted to talk it out with my tutor but I then realised that the grade wouldn't change (this is for the unit that I exhibited. The Final Major Project that my tutor changed without asking me). I still passed though so it's fine, and I don't actually need any UCAS points because I'm not going to uni, but I still really wanted to get at least a MMM in the end. It looks like I'll be getting a MMP. Didn't want any P's in the final grade :( But oh well, I'll put my all into my Photography course! I'm just so glad it's all over.

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Thanks guys! :)