4 Mar 2011

I Heart Jeffery Campbell Shoes

Jeffery Campbell shoes - NastyGal.com

- OH MY GOD I WANT THEM! These shoes are amazing! If only they weren't in the hundreds :(
I think I'm basically falling in love with most of Jeffery Campbell's shoes. Also, he's gone and been really clever by making most of his heels have very high platforms on the ball of the foot to make walking in them extremely easy, that's why I love them even more! I wish there was a shop in town that sold a lot of these shoes so I could try them on. We have an Office opening but they have like one ugly pair :/
I think the black lace ups would be good for now, and the other three would be great for summer! The first pair are flat sandals but I think they look cool :)

- I said I'd tell you about these a while ago, but these are the super cosy tights from Primark! I saw these when LLYMLRS did a post about them maybe December last year? I kept my eye out but only found them in the Lakeside Primark about three or four weeks ago now and they really are amazing! They have this amazingly soft lining that really does keep you so warm. When I first put them on I was like 'Ahhhh they're so soft!' and went around getting all my friends to feel the inside haha. The only problems with them were, when I first opening them and put them on they smelt like those coloured foam sheets you can get from craft shops (don't know what they're called) but after they were washed that went away. No one else seemed to smell it though. Also, they bobble a bit. It's not that much of a problem at the moment but I don't know what they'll be like in 4 months time. Well, they were only £3, I can get some more! : D

- Last but not least, I got another job at M&S! This one is a bit different though, I'm doing evening fill (stacking shelves after hours) 2 nights a week. It's only an 8 hour contract so that will be far better than my last one. I think I can manage these hours so much better, because 18 hours a week with college was just too much. The money was amazing but it was too much. My life was work, college and sleeping. My college work fell behind so much because of it too because whenever I was home I would be asleep. So yeah, 8 hours a week and then I can choose if I do more or not. The biggest problem is that one of the night I work is a Saturday and when I'm 18 I might want to be out those nights, but I will finish at 10 so maybe it won't be too bad. I start in April though, and well, I'm really chuffed I didn't think I'd be able to get so little hours but I'm really pleased I have :)

- That's it for now, I'm gonna do my fave looks from Feb soon, and when I get the chance I'll take some nice outfit photos (fingers crossed!)
Also a big hello to my new followers! : D


  1. Well done on getting a new job! :) x

  2. well done on the job hun! hopefully it will be less hours and better for you!
    im loving the jeffs. i wish i could afford some as i have heard everywhere how comfy they are! i think before i go uni in sept ill have to splash out on something big.. maybe a vivienne westwood bag..
    i think ill defo hav to try those tights.. i am a tight fiend! xxxx

  3. omg I LOVE Campbell shoes!! <3 so amazing!<3 and congrats with the job!! :)


Thanks guys! :)