21 Feb 2011

Back in Britain!

Bambi T-Shirt: Pull and Bear
Shorts: Miss Selfridge
Cardigan: Primark
Bandanna: Pull and Bear

- Hey guys! I'm back home, yay! I'm not going to go into detail about Barcelona, but in short it was horrible. A bag was stolen in the first 30 mins of being there, and the men treated all the girls like pieces of meat. It was disgusting. I enjoyed the time with my friends (even though they were all ill) but the trip itself was just horrible.

- Even though my friends wouldn't let me shop (I was only allowed to actually shop in 2 shops), I discovered my love for the shop Pull and Bear. There is one in London and I think I'm going to have to visit it when I go next weekend. Above you can see 2 of my buys from there, the Tee only being 1.99 (euros) in the sale. The bandanna was 5.99 and I also got a tan skirt in the sale for 3.99. I'll hopefully show you soon :)
The second shop I was allowed to shop in was Zara. I really wanted to go because I see the amazing buys people get from there, but the one in Lakeside is just a mess so I never go in. I'm so glad I went to the one in Barcelona because I got this amazing tan blazer! I have to turn up the sleeves but once that's done I'll always be wearing it :)

- I've been thinking about opening a blog shop to sell some of my clothes and shoes that I don't wear. Do you think it would be a good idea? I'm fed up of selling my clothes on ebay for 99p, because in all honesty they're worth a bit more than that! I've got a pair of Faith shoes that I've never worn but I know if I put them on ebay they will probably only go for 99p and they are worth far more! They were originally £55!

- I had loads more to say but I've totally forgotten most of it :/ Bugger.
I'll hopefully be posting a few times this week, but it's looking like a busy one! Who knows. 
It's 2am and I have to get up at 8:30 so I should probably go to bed....
Night guys! It's good to be home :) <3


  1. I love the scarf/bandana, it looks really good on you. My last trip to Spain wasn't brilliant either, so I feel your pain!
    Bel' xx

  2. You look lovely! I love that bandanna and that bambi T-shirt is way too cute! Xx

  3. sorry to hear you had a bad time xxx

  4. omg amazing outfit



Thanks guys! :)