19 May 2011

My Highlighted Hair!

- Hey guys! So I told you yesterday about how I got my hair highlighted, and this is how it looks! There's quite a good chance you can't notice any difference (my Dad didn't) but believe me there is! It's like the hairdresser said after the dye was washed out: 'You can't remember what her original colour looked like' which is true, because my Mum agreed haha. Looking at the photos I can notice the difference, my overall colour is a lot lighter now which is what I wanted. I'm so pleased! I also think it looks very natural.
Over all it took 3 hours to do, over an hour was spent just putting my hair in the wraps! That took aaaaaages..... I felt sorry for the bloke! The developing time was pretty quick, only 20 mins. He said the stuff he used (Hi-Lighter or something) was perfect for my hair because my base colour is already quite light, and the fact that I've never dyed my hair before helps a lot. If these are the results I think I'll be wanting to keep it up! I'll just have to save £55 for every month or so.
He also trimmed my hair because I had awful split ends, and I still have a few which I need to go back and get trimmed again in 6 weeks. He cut my fringe too, because that was getting way too long for my liking, but he didn't dry it the way I usually have it (that's why it looks different).

All in all I'm so pleased with the results! It was a very lovely birthday present :) Thanks Mum and Dad!


  1. Your hair looks lovely. It still looks quite natural too


  2. adorable :) you look so sweet with the new hair! x

  3. your highlights look gorg!!! Lovely :)
    I wanan go few shades lighter - bored of black hair now hahaha xx

  4. Happy Birthday! (I hope I've got the date right ^_^ ) Hope you're having a lovely day

  5. your hair looks gorgeous, suits you! xx


Thanks guys! :)