9 Mar 2011

The Fishies Don't Swim No More

Black Jumper - New Look Generation
Camel Shirt - Next (via Choice)
Skinny Jeans - H&M
Necklace - Primark
Fish Bone Earrings - Topshop
Lips - M&S in Chili

- It was quite cold today, and I knew I was going to be outside for a few hours because I had some sort of sculpture workshop to do at college so I wore this to keep me warm! The workshop was making stuff out a cement, and it was crap because my group over thought it. It was mainly because we were stuck with this scatter brain girl..... I won't get into that.
The shirt is something a got about a month or so ago now. It's t-shirt material and short sleeved, but I love it! I loved it even more because I'd wanted things like it from topshop for £20+ and I got this for £6.50! So happy :) Also, introducing my new earrings! Got these from topshop in London and I looooove them! They made me laugh. I noticed that a lot of the jewelery in Oxford street topshop is super crazy! For a start there's FAR too much of it, it's so overwhelming, but there was loads of really weird and cool things, like turtle necklaces, strange voodoo doll faerie necklaces, these fish bone things, robots with mustaches! I want to go back when I have more money :) I showed these to my boyfriend and he pointed out that I now have a zoo for my ears. I have these fish, turtles, rabbits, reindeer, 2 owls, octopuses, squirrels, pumas and raccoons!

- Yeah I went to London AGAIN on monday, this time with my Mum :) She wanted to look for some shoes, but didn't find anything she liked :( She did buy a jacket though which made me happy because whenever we both go shopping it's always me that buys stuff and never her. I did buy stuff as well which I'll hopefully show you soon :)

- Not much else to say really, just plodding along in life. For lent I said I would give up being lazy with my college work, but I'm not sure how well that one will work out.....
What have you given up for lent, if anything?

>> Please do visit my lookbook and hype my look if you like it! Thanks xx


  1. your necklace is cute :)

  2. I love your hairs! Great outfit!


  3. I really like your look yknow, thers something different about it which i'm really drawn too, i think it could be the way your wearing the shirt and jumper. Looks lovely, the necklace goes very well! + ooooooh , im a fan of your hair!
    Hope you stop by my blog when you have a chance, im hosting a give atm :) xx


Thanks guys! :)